What type of person are you?

ok, this quiz is about what type of person you are. just answer the qustions, I did the best i could, so please dont be me and answer trufly pretty please.

I put alot of effort in to this quiz and i hope you ,like it, hopefully it will be what you are, this is somewhat accurate and will proble be what you really are.

Created by: Kaite
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How do you spend most of your time?
  2. What type of grades do you geton your report card?
  3. What type of animals?
  4. time of day?
  5. Guys do what?
  6. how pretty do you THINK you are? 1-5 no zero
  7. how much do you talk, be truthful!!!
  8. ok, there is a new kid walking down the hall and he/she drops her stuff.
  9. was the last 2 answer to the question above weird? no effect
  10. Ok do you like the quiz?
  11. what si your fav. color group?
  12. ok the quiz is done, pick something. no effect at all.
  13. bye

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Quiz topic: What type of person am I?