What type of member are you in Minecraft: Camp Cixi SMP 1

This quiz can tell you what type of member you would be! There's at least 10 Chapters in one Season so be ready for lots of lore! Camp Cixi is a Minecraft SMP created by YouTuber, @FNCixi!

The story will reveal at the last Chapter of a Season! Characters will fall, some rise and sometimes fade! Beware of your character's story! #CampCixiSMP

Created by: FNCixiYT
  1. If there was a WAR in the horizon what would you do?
  2. If there was a Doomsday Event happening at Lepidolite Lake what would you do?
  3. What would you do if your love one within the series died?
  4. Your story is about to end what would be the end?
  5. If you were at the end of your Ultimate Lives what would you do?
  6. If your story was getting started, how would it start?
  7. The UNKNOWN is starting a Reality Ending event what will you do?
  8. The end of a chapter/season is here, what would you do with your lore?
  9. A Titan tells you information that is important for everyone's lore what would you do?
  10. "The End Is Near", what would you do?

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Quiz topic: What type of member am I in Minecraft: Camp Cixi SMP 1
