what type of hero are you

there are many types of hero in media. they are the main protagonist that everyone looks up to. what type of hero are you? take the quiz to find out !

there are many types of hero in media. they are the main protagonist that everyone looks up to daily. what type of hero are you? take the quiz to find out

Created by: Niecey
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. it's morning! how do you feel waking up?
  2. what type of clothes do you wear to school?
  3. if you had to pick a weapon to fight, what would you pick?
  4. lunch time at school! what do you do?
  5. what is one of your goals in life?
  6. your teacher wants to see you after school, what do you do?
  7. which type of music do you like the best?
  8. what do you do after school?
  9. your friend calls you over to ask for help with something complicated
  10. what do you often think about
  11. what did you think of this quiz

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Quiz topic: What type of hero am I