What Type Of Gun Are You?

What type of gun are you? An up-close-and-personal SMG? A powerful sniper rifle? A slaughtering light machinegun? An effective assault rifle? Find out!

Which gun best represents you? If you've been wondering this, than you will want to take this quiz. It will give you all the answers, some may be surprised.

Created by: Britt
  1. How do you take down an enemy:
  2. How much ammunition do you carry on a mission:
  3. How do YOU clear a room?
  4. How much of the enemy will remain after you stop shooting?
  5. At what range do you attack from?
  6. How do you win a battle?
  7. Which of the following is most important to you in a rifle:
  8. Which problem do you find most common in weapons in video games?
  9. How large of a supply chain do you need?
  10. An armored vehicle rolls in, you:

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Quiz topic: What Type Of Gun am I?