What type of flower are you?

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Flowers are not only beautiful. they are good gifts and can tell a story, your personality, and even a bunch of other things as well...i think any way.

Flower Power you can express your self through flowers wheather it be your personality or whatever i guess this quiz will tell you what flower you are based on your personality

Created by: ivy
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Would you say you have quite a few friends?
  2. Can you wait a long time for something to happen?
  3. How would you describe yourself
  4. Hey...Whats Up?
  5. Pickles?
  6. asdlfkdsjflk;dsjf;lkdsjf;lkjds
  7. i know where you live
  8. ffffdsfadfszfdsfdfgdfg
  9. ggggcd g hsetbvref4xzf bg h jnhfssgrertrd
  10. sorry those last two were my little brother

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Quiz topic: What type of flower am I?