what type of dragon are you

There are many people who wish they where a dragon but only a few can be one do you have what it takes to be one of four dragons? Good luck and thanks for stopping by.

This is my first quiz so I would like some help and device for my future quiz's. So here it is my first quiz.

Created by: storm wolf
  1. This is my first quiz and if this is a success I might make more(no effect)
  2. What is your favorite thing to do?
  3. What sound is your favorite
  4. Where would you like to go for on a vacation
  5. Favourite colour
  6. What video game is the best out of the ones bellow
  7. What pet would you chose
  8. Where would you like to live
  9. Two more questions (this might count)
  10. Thanks for taking this quiz

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Quiz topic: What type of dragon am I