What type of Donut are you?!

There are several types of donuts, some sweet and some tart. Every donut has a different flavor, size, and look.

Do you know what type of Donut you are!? Are you sprinkled, or even glazed!? You can find out now what donut you are!

Created by: Volleyball16

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What do you like to do in your free time?
  2. Do you enjoy being with others or being alone.
  3. Would you rather be outside or inside?
  4. Are you Sporty?
  5. Do you enjoy going to the mall or eating at a restaraunt?
  6. Would you rather read a book or surf the internet?
  7. Are you Caring or Helpful?
  8. Do you stand up for what you believe in?
  9. Are you creative?
  10. Do you like to eat something sweet or something salty?
  11. Do you like to create things?

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Quiz topic: What type of Donut am I?!