What type of dog are you most like?

Many people think the are a type of dog but are they really? Could they be a poodle a Lab a westie a German Shepard who knows. No on can tell or can they?

Do you want to learn what your true dog breed is? Have you been wondering if you have a dog breed? Every one dose and we will try to find your true dog breed

Created by: Trinity
  1. Your owner Thakes you down to the beach when you get there you....
  2. You learn tomorrow you are going to die so you...
  3. Your daily routine normally is....
  4. Do you like this Ouiz
  5. It is nap time you...
  6. It is time for you to make dinner you make....
  7. It is time to redecorate your room you..
  8. The neiborhood dogs are barking you...
  9. What color do you like best
  10. What kind of dog do you want to be..

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Quiz topic: What type of dog am I most like?