What type of clock are you? | Comments

Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz What type of clock are you?

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  • Digital Watch

    You are sleek, modern, and extremely cute. You have a great personality and have tons of friends. Sometimes you're a bit of an airhead, but nobody minds because they love you just the way you are! :D Just pay a better attention in class, ok?

    wow, strangly accurate thats just like me!

  • You are very smart and serious about your work. You have your own style and often stay one step ahead of others. It would be good for you to loosen up every once in a while so that you don't lose sight of the pretty things in life

    so true XD

  • Analog clock,I do like to follow my dreams and inspirations in life so I can live a better and happier life then now even if it means facing my demons. Cool quiz mate.

  • Do NOT put Heavy Metal and Rap in the same category. EVER.

  • lol, i thought it was alright

    E Lunatic
  • that was gay


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