What type of animal are you?

this quiz allows you to know how you are and what animal you are. cool right?hahagfjfbnhhgftscnkiudvkiutfddcvgskjjghujeiujjefujjijrhfhjfjfffhrfftmrhgtfs,xjd

wow im sooooooooo bored so i made this quiz with my sis and yeah its a good quiz :) fjfjgjngfffdfhtrdffgtrmfhtmymthh gkttkfkkhfffiffffifiuuuffjjjjjhfgfhhjgtriuf..............

Created by: ashley
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. are you more of a outside or inside person?
  2. what is your favorite animal?
  3. what is your least favorite animal?
  4. what is your favorite color?
  5. what is your favorite shape?
  6. whats your favorite eye color
  7. who do you hangout with
  8. whats your favorite color
  9. is this a pointless quiz
  10. what do you like to do when your bored at home making a quiz for your sister
  11. whats your favorite food

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Quiz topic: What type of animal am I?