What Type Of A Person Are You?

There are many people out there but if you want to find out who you really are out of a Lad , a Gothic/emo , a Nerd or a Jock , just take this quizz to find out wont talk long

There very sterotypical iknow but dont take anything serious its only a joke around quizz. So dont go changing over a quizz thanks...:)

Created by: Liam
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Where is your usual hang out place?
  2. What Clothes do you usually wear?
  3. If you were in a fight what wepon would you use?
  4. What Kind of Hair style do you have?
  5. What Kind of Nation do you think you are
  6. How Regularly do you stick up your rude finger
  7. How Do you wear your shirt?
  8. Do You wear anything on your eyes?
  9. What Is your usual line to say?
  10. What Did You Think Of This Quizz ( no mark towards it )

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Quiz topic: What Type Of A Person am I?