What Toy Story 3 Character Are You Most Like?

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This world may think of toys as a plastic makeshift blob. But if you were a toy, who would you be like? Many people have tried to guess... But this quiz helps you figure it out... For good.

Are you most like Jessie, Buzz, Rex, Hamm, or Woody? Take this quiz and find out if you have what it takes to be a toy! This quiz is a fun way to answer silly questions and be coolio!

Created by: Boofy Children
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What sounds the most fun?
  2. What sounds the most fun?
  3. Where do u like to play?
  4. Who is your type of friend?
  5. What animals do you like?
  6. How do u deal with sadness of your friends?
  7. How do express your feelings?
  8. If you have a problem with somebody what do you do?
  9. If you were in a life or death situation... What would you do?
  10. If you were captured, who would you want to save you?

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Quiz topic: What Toy Story 3 Character am I Most Like?