What time of pet are you most like?

Gahhhh! Sorry about the typo with the name!! It's supposed to be What TYPE (Not time) of pet are you. Bunch of apologies for that! I will talk bout quiz is next paragraph, I just wanted to say how I made a typo with the title name and noticed it when it was too late. Can you even edit the titles? O_o

Okay, SO, like I said in the 1st paragraph, I am going to talk bout the quiz in THIS paragraph. Okay, well, just so you guys know I put some random question and answers in there just for fun because that's how I am (RANDOM!) :D...Sorry if you don't like your answer. This is my first quiz so if it is amateur-like please don't talk harshly about it. THANKS! :-))

Created by: laughygirl
  1. What is your favorite color(s)? (If your wondering, mine are blue, red, black and purple!!)
  2. Are you popular at school?
  3. Do you like playing with electronics? (Yes, it is part of my concern)
  4. How have you liked this quiz so far?
  5. Do you have a lot of friends?
  6. Who is your favorite person in Suite Life on Deck? (I am watching it right now so I feel like asking you)
  7. Don't you think this is an awesome quiz?
  8. Do you have any siblings? (This question is just bugging me so here it goes :D)
  9. Do you do good in school?
  10. This is the last question of the quiz..DANG!! The totally amazing, mesmerizing awesomeness question is: Do you like pie? o:

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Quiz topic: What time of pet am I most like?