what super power do you have

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there are lots of super powers available but what one will you have will you have invisibility maybe super speed but any way if you do this quiz you will be AMAZING

WHAT IS YOUR SUPERPOWER what type of awesomeness do you have what power does your body have but thanks to this swag quiz you can find out think about it in a few minutes you could find out what super power you have... good luck

Created by: happyman
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what is your favourite way to transport
  2. what super power would you like to have
  3. how awesome would you rate yourself on a scale from 1 to 10(1 being lame and 10 extremely awesome)
  4. how awesome would you rate yourself on a scale from 1 to 10(1 being lame and 10 extremely awesome)
  5. pick a letter(s)
  6. are you amazing
  7. what is your favourite type of sport
  8. what is your favourite colour
  9. do you enjoy the countryside
  10. did you like the quiz

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Quiz topic: What super power do I have