what star wars character are you

There are many star wars characters but you are only one of them.Are you a strong wise jedi or a tough greedy bounty hunter, or maybe a peace loving senator.

which one are you? Take this awesome quiz and find out. You never know who you are going to get.Are you strong and wise enough to be a jedi, or are you greedy and tough enough to be a bounty hunter

Created by: alex
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. who is your favorite star wars character?
  2. do you like doing stuff for money?
  3. do you want world peace?
  4. do you prefer a gun or a lightsaber?
  5. jedi fighter or slave 1(boba fetts ship)?
  6. does love distract you
  7. would you kill jedi or sith?
  8. would you betray your best friend?
  9. would you rather be a jedi or bounty hunter?

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Quiz topic: What star wars character am I