what star ocean 3 character are you?

this quiz will tell you what star ocean charater you are. Me myself, i am roger but you can get anyone. got it and now i will say farewell until the end.

Are you gonna be your fav char. I was and you can be too.come on little boy girl big guay or girl take my quiz and make me f'n happy OK. So now take the quiz.

Created by: jaxon lewandowski
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you have a fondness for women
  2. are you a partner for something
  3. Do you like cats
  4. you you pretty
  5. do you have much wisdom
  6. are you short
  7. do you want a simple life
  8. do you have a hard time expressing thyself
  9. do you hate this quiz, i dont mind if you say i hate, this is my first quiz
  10. what color hair do you want
  11. who do you think you will get
  12. who do you think you will get

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Quiz topic: What star ocean 3 character am I?