What Stacy Gregg charachter are you?

Ever wondered which character in Stacy Gregg's novels you we're most like? Are you one of her biggest fans and just want to do this quiz cause it's something to do with her? Or do you just feel like taking a quick quiz? Stacy Gregg is a true artist and all these characters in this are entirely her work, I take no credit for them!

And yes I know I spelt character wrong up there, sorry about that. :) What are you still reading this for?! Take the quiz! Really still reading?? Down there. That's it, perfect.

Created by: BiggestIrishFan;)
  1. You've been asked to babysit some kids, do you..
  2. You have been given a superstar showjumper! Do you name it...
  3. Your horse has been stolen! Do you..
  4. What's your dream?
  5. Who's your hero?
  6. What's your favourite colour of horse?
  7. Where would you prefer to live?
  8. Pick. One.
  9. What books do you read?
  10. Last question, hope you like your results! :) How would you describe yourself?

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Quiz topic: What Stacy Gregg charachter am I?