what singer are you?

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there are a few really smart people in the world but if you got low and got a bad singer or actress im sorry but good try and keep up the postive attitude.

you did better than i thought so you keep on standing out and shining like the brightess star in the galaxy because you rockzzzz. great job friend(s).

Created by: ilovemyfriends of bluebird19
(your link here more info)
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what colour do you like your hair as?
  2. what waist size are you?
  3. what is your fave song?
  4. what is your personality?
  5. how old do you wish you were?
  6. how tall are you?
  7. whats your clique?
  8. whats your fave NHL hockey team?
  9. are you bored?
  10. whats another fave song of yours?

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Quiz topic: What singer am I?