What Simpson are you

In my quiz,there is some really dumb people in it,but also some really smart people in it as well.Anybody can take this quiz if they want to cause i don't care

Do you want to know what Simpson character???find out in this quiz that made about the Simpson character.The Simpson's are awesome and amazing to watch.

Created by: Jake
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you drive well???
  2. Are you good at playing instruments???
  3. Do you like boys or girls???
  4. Are you fat or skinny???
  5. In school,are you cool or nerdy???
  6. Are you a daredevil or a chickens---???
  7. Do you like donuts or veggies???
  8. Would you rather stay inside and be lazy all day or going outside and get active???
  9. Are you good or bad in general
  10. Do you have a religion???

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Quiz topic: What Simpson am I