What's your wolf name?

Wolves come in all different sizes, like humans. Wolves have a leader called an Alpha. The second leader (like the president) is a beta. The third leader (like a mayor) is called a omega.

What is your wolf name? What are you? A mother/father or a hunter? Or are you a pup? Find out in THIS quiz! You won't regret it! This quiz will tell you everything about you're wolf self! Don't wait!

Created by: Kay
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What name do you want?
  2. What's your favorite plant?
  3. Do you like sports? If you do, what kind?
  4. It's raining out. You...
  5. Where do you want to live?
  6. What's your favorite movie?
  7. Do you have siblings? If you do, how many?
  8. What letter does your name start with?
  9. What's your favorite color?
  10. Did you like this quiz? (Does count)

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Quiz topic: What's my wolf name?