What's Your Personality Like?

Lets see if you have what it takes to find out what your personality is like!Lets go on this fabulous journey to take a look at what your future holds!(getting off topic) *laughs of disappointment*

OK...anyways,lets just see if you are healthy,happy,smart,and well-hearted!This quiz was for funzies,so whatever...You should enjoy it yourself lol...

Created by: Munchie Rodriguez
  1. What is your favorite color?(pick any answer that has your color)
  2. Do you love animals?
  3. Do you like to re-use,re-duce,and re-cycle?
  4. When you see the word 'puppy',what do you think of?
  5. Do you have a lot of friends?
  6. Are you sporty/athletic?
  7. Are you a happy person?
  8. Do you smile more than once a day?
  9. I am getting bored.What movie do you want to watch?

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Quiz topic: What's my Personality Like?