What's Your Personality?

There are lots of personalities, and the personalities mentioned in my quiz is just a few. Personalities are characteristics that make the human unique.

Do YOU wanna find out what's your personality? Wanna see where you stand in the stage called Life? If so, you've come to the right place! So what are you waiting for? Take my quiz and find out!

Created by: joanie
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What's your fave color?
  2. What's your fave hangout?
  3. What do you think of the world?
  4. You would most likely say to your friends:
  5. What animal is your favorite?
  6. Love, Peace, or Both?
  7. Can you evaluate this equation? (don't worry, it doesn't affect anything)-- 3(9 x 4) - 5
  8. How would people describe you?
  9. Which of these lyrics is more "you"?
  10. What's your fave good-bye phrase?

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Quiz topic: What's my Personality?