What's your personality

There are so many personalities, and everyone has a unique one in some way. This quiz will determine yours. This quiz will truly show you what you are inside.

You could be mystical, a gamer, a school lover, or a hundred other things! I was motivated to make this quiz because I have a sort of seventh sense that allows me to determine personalities, even without questions.

Created by: jayjay
  1. When you are walking on a where do you like to be.
  2. Where is your favorite place to be?
  3. What is your favorite activity?
  4. If you are doing a science project what do you do?
  5. what is your favorite color?
  6. which smiley best represents you?
  7. click random, this does not affect your score.
  8. click random, this does not affect your score.
  9. answer randomly, this does not affect your score
  10. answer randomly, this does not affect your score

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Quiz topic: What's my personality