What's your fuller house character (For fuller house lovers)

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This quiz will tell you your fuller house character based on your personality. Whatever your result is is a guess on your personality. We hope our guess is accurate.

If you get a result you don't like that's OK because you can retake the quiz as many times as you want. The possible results Ramona, Max, Stephanie, and three others you will find out for yourself. I hope you like the quiz and get a good result.

Created by: Maddie K.
  1. Are you an indoor or outdoor person
  2. Do you like to read
  3. How would your friends describe you
  4. What is your favorite sport
  5. what kind of movie do you like
  6. what is your favorite cake flavor
  7. what is your favorite animal
  8. do you have a pet
  9. do you like to be around people
  10. if you get famous what would you do with all your money

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Quiz topic: What's my fuller house character (For fuller house lovers)
