What's your animal

This quiz is like what's you spirit animal and ones like that. It's also just for fun so don't get mad if you do not get the one you want and also this is my first quiz so I hope you like it I might do more....

Have you ever felt like you are different than others like you have a big tie to a animal different than others? We'll you can find out using this quiz! Are you ready?

Created by: Silver
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Are you a loner or a big friend
  2. Night or day
  3. Follow the rules?
  4. Are you free?
  5. What is you favorite color out of this ones?
  6. How badly do you want to know what your animal is?
  7. Lie or not?
  8. Love doing quiz ( no effect )
  9. Have you ever wanted to fly
  10. Last one did you like this quiz (no effect)

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Quiz topic: What's my animal