What's You True Spirit Animal

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This quick quiz will tell you what is you true spirit animal is. Answer all question a correct as you can to get the most accurate answer. What you choose will go towards point which add up to select your animal. The animals that are in this test are a bat, a dog, a cat, a deer, a dolphin and a horse.

When you have finished you will fined that it will give you your 'score' and which animal is your spirit animal. I hope you enjoy this quiz and I will enjoy making more if you would like you can email me and ask me to do a quiz.

Created by: Charlie
  1. Where do you spend most of your time?
  2. Are you Patience?
  3. Are you sensitive?
  4. Are you a strong leader?
  5. Are you a study type of person or a fun type of person?
  6. Are you a fast runner?
  7. Do you have more the 10 friend in your closes friendship group?
  8. Is your life full of mysteries?
  9. Do you like this quiz?
  10. Finally do you have self-confidence.

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