What's you quota? | Comments

Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz What's you quota?

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  • Your Result: Friendship

    Your quota is one of friendship. This means that you thrive in a social environment and that you're skilled at understanding the emotions and feelings of people around you. People with a friendship quota usually have many friends and do well working under pressure. This means that you can also control your OWN emotions quite well. But look around, and don't be afraid to notice what might really be happening when you read between the lines.

  • Dreamer type,so true. I am very creative, imaginative and artistic alot. I like to go by my own rules and instincts and being a bit weird as well. Cool quiz mate.

  • i'm a lady dreamer all rite. one time i was staring off to space thinkn bout if i had went ot japan nd brazil nd 4 a while i didnt even notice my friends or the teacher talkn 2 meh lol

    fir3 bab3_1
  • Yep! I'm a dreamer! =D


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