What Retro Video Games Are You

(Yes we know it should be "What Retro Video Game Are You?" But it's too late to fix it) There are so many retro games out there to play. Failed ones, ultra old ones, ones that were before their time. But, which one are you? Which personality are you? Which do you play? Find out with this quiz!

SPOILER- There aren't many games as results because we're using actual games that we have on hand. Sorry if your favorite retro game isn't here, but comment and tell us the game you want if you want it added! With enough comments, we might just make a second one.

Created by: Hazel
  1. Do you like puzzles?
  2. Are you independent?
  3. Are you close to your family?
  4. Do you get hot-headed?
  5. Do you give up easily? (AKA Are you a rage-quitter?)
  6. Do you stand up for what's (at least what you think's) right?
  7. Are you adventurous?
  8. Do you like Tetris (yes it matters!)?
  9. Do you like 8-bit games?
  10. BONUS: Do you play any of these games? (May or may not effect score)

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Quiz topic: What Retro Video Games am I