What reality celebrity are you? | Comments

Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz What reality celebrity are you?

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  • Your Result: You are Johnny Knoxville from "Jackass"

    You are charming, the life of the party, and have an amazing sense of humor. You see the humor in most everything. On occasion, you are not afraid to take a few lumps for the kiddies!

    You are Phil Margera from "Viva La Bam"
    You are C.T. from MTV's "Real World"

    You are Dustin Diamond from "Celbrity Fit Club"

    You are Simon from "American Idol"
    You are Paris Hilton from "The Real Life"
    You are Ozzy from "The Osbournes"
    You are New York from "I Love New York"

    Loved my result! It's so me and I love JOhnny so that's even better :D


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