What race are you

Find out what race you are. determining From a Human, Demon,Angel,Vampire,or a Genocide. You decide. Answer the questions and you'll see. since i am forced to make this desription long as hell i am to puting this random sentence here.

Are you evil or good, powerful or weak,Fast or slow.you deicide , take the quiz and find out. since i am forced to make this desription long as hell i am to puting this random sentence here.

Created by: Austin
  1. how do you kill
  2. Are you evil or good
  3. Do you use wepons?
  4. Do you look for your kills or wait for them to pass by
  5. Do you Toy with your prey?
  6. Do you stretch out you kill
  7. do you enjoy a quick fast kill
  8. When you see some thugs attacking a old woman, what would you do?
  9. How do you kill
  10. Do you thirst for power

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Quiz topic: What race am I