what queen song are you

lots of people have been in bands. I know not a lot of people are not.A band member has no fear of going on stage.they can fined the true music spirit.

Do you ever wonder what Queen member you would be?You can now find out witch one you will be.just go to go to quiz.com to see.please enjoy the quiz.

Created by: oacen#3
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what would you like to do?
  2. girl or boy.
  3. who wrote "fat bottom girls"
  4. do you like my first quiz
  5. Um.......um......um
  6. will you rate?
  7. who died in year 1991
  8. ;) ;(
  9. pick.
  10. bye

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Quiz topic: What queen song am I