what pop music celebrity are you

what star you are you a country song are you a pop star are you Katy Perry are you Selena Gomez with him do you think you are taking it and find out:-):-)

happy gets to take this test this test is highly classifiedto see if you're one of the most highly trained pop stars in the worldtake it and find outif it is Harley classified

Created by: tay
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what kind of personality do you have
  2. what do you wear everyday
  3. what's your haircolor
  4. Eye color
  5. Which one
  6. Which one
  7. what do you do on the weekends
  8. iPhone or regular phone
  9. would you rather br 16 or 20
  10. what's your favorite color

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Quiz topic: What pop music celebrity am I