What Phone OS Suits You?

This quiz will tell you what phone to get if you are deciding what to get or if you just want to have some fun! This quiz was created by harry Wheatcroft in 2018

This quiz will tell you what phone to get if you are deciding what to get or if you just want to have some fun!This quiz will reveal the true answer of what phone to get!

Created by: Harry
  1. What Computer OS Do you have?
  2. What is most important to you?
  3. What is your budget?
  4. How about the software?
  5. Do you do Watersport?
  6. Age
  7. How long will you keep your phone?
  8. Build Quality
  9. Speaker quality
  10. Did you enjoy this(this will not effect your score)

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Quiz topic: What Phone OS suits me?
