What Pet Is right For You?

really is i was in kentuky then when i was asleep i heard a growl and yellow glowing eyes in my corn feild then a large dog like creater came out and it was holding my prize 300 pound catle! Just happened today

This quiz will blow u away to far enogh to find your prr-fect pet lol i think your kool sweet awseome and just athletic exiting little or big person to me

Created by: Maria Zarco
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What animal do u hate as a pet?
  2. Are u at work most of the time?
  3. Are u alergic to any of the following?
  4. Do you Love to Explore?
  5. Do you like a lot of atention?
  6. Do u like seafood?
  7. What's your fav color?
  8. Do u like any of this kind of fur?
  9. Are u responseble?
  10. Last Question! Is this getting anoying!?

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