What Percy Jackson character are you?

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Sup guys, did ya miss me? I hope not cause here I am in your face again with another quiz based on a book, only this time on Percy Jackson and the Olympians!

This quiz will help you understand what character you where made to be from the Percy Jackson series. Warning: If you get a middle-score, you will be extremely disappointed. So let's get to it!

Created by: Amara Harris
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  3. What is your favorite color?
  4. What is the first letter of your name?
  5. What disorder do you have?
  6. Are you a gamer?
  7. Are you a bully?
  8. Where would you like to die?
  9. What is your favorite animal?
  10. (Sorry, this one will be lame cause I am running out of ideas. NOT!!) What is your ideal weapon?
  11. What is your aesthetic?
  12. Okay, now I'm done.
  13. That last question had no effect so this is the last one. SERIOUSLY I'M DONE NOW!!! So did you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: What Percy Jackson character am I?
