What Percy Jackson boyfriend do you have?

This quiz is only for the fangirls of Percy Jackson! Find out who's your soulmate from Percy Jackson by responding to these simple questions. Good luck!

Respond fairly, and find out who of these five boys should be yours! Don't cheat, Answer from your heart so you'll get a fair result. Hope you have a crush on the one!

Created by: Marshmellow
  1. What is your favorite element?
  2. What is your favorite color?
  3. What would you use in a battle?
  4. What do you think is most useful?
  5. What's your favorite god?
  6. Who would you choose to be your bestie?
  7. Roman or Greek?
  8. Choose two qualities!
  9. What describes you best?
  10. What would you choose as the first date's place?
  11. What kind of superpower would you like to have?

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Quiz topic: What Percy Jackson boyfriend do I have?
