What Outsiders Charater are you

The Outsiders is an amazing book that everyone should read. I hope you like your resaults. Most of the questions have to do with the book. All of the characters are great.

If you got Ponyboy than you are the luckiest person to take the quiz because you got the main character. Try to pick all the right answers that you feel like you like the best.

Created by: Kristin
  1. Would you rather drink Water ,Coke, or beer?
  2. How would you like to spend your weekend.
  3. What phone would you rather have
  4. How would you have your hair?
  5. Greaser or Soc
  6. Shorts or Pants
  7. Would you fight
  8. what would be your snack on a hot day
  9. What kind of cake
  10. Book or no books

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Quiz topic: What Outsiders Charater am I
