What object should you be?

People decide on the most silliest things to be in a game. Sometimes others make a smart decision. Objects may include shrimp, candy, and lots of other things.

What would YOU be? Is it a good or bad thing to be? You could decide on ANYTHING you wanted to be, which could take hours. Now that you entered this quiz, don't let it go to waste! Try and see what you will be!

Created by: Kyodai

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Do you like the smell of feet?
  2. What would you rather do?
  3. When a bully got you (Or just imagine), what would/did you do?
  4. If a gift was given to you, what would you want? (If none, which one mostly?)
  5. Describe your personality. (Sorry if I misspelled the word, you know which one. If none, which one closely.)
  6. Are you a writer or someone who hates writing?
  7. How many times do you take a bath?
  8. Which bothers you?
  9. If you were given a coupon, what would you spend it on?
  10. Which food would you rather eat?

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Quiz topic: What object should I be?