what moshi monsters charter are you

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hello everyone do you know that over one million people go to moshi monsters find out which one fits you the best and it doesn't matter if you get a good score or bad the only thing that matters is you tried something new !!! :)

do you wonder which moshi monster would fit you really find out in just a few moments on this quiz love spooky two shoes !!!!!!!!!!!! p.s go to moshi monsters .com

Created by: spooky two shoes
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what is your favorite activity
  2. what is your favorite animal
  3. what power would you like to have
  4. what is your favorite moshling!
  5. what is your favorite food
  6. what job would you prefer
  7. do you have a moshi monsters
  8. who do you like best
  9. what is your favorite holiday
  10. if you could be thankful for one thing what would it be

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Quiz topic: What moshi monsters charter am I