What Moshi Monster are you?

Many people have joined moshi monsters and some people cant decide which monster to get. they think and think and think and WHA-POW they've got it! Whats moshi monsters? its...moshi monsters

Cant decide your monster? Come here and fine out the monster that suits your personality!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The monsters are very different in sevral ways.

Created by: MoshiMonsters
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Whats your fave color?
  2. What do u like to do out of these?
  3. What would u do if your real friend got banned?
  4. Is this the last question?
  5. What sounds best?
  6. If u were a poppet, what username would u have out of these?
  7. If u were a Zommer which username would u have?
  8. Why would u gete a luvli?
  9. Do u like this quiz?
  10. last question, r u happy?

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Quiz topic: What Moshi Monster am I?