What Minecraft Animal Are You?

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Hey, wanna know what animal are you in Minecraft? Then play this quiz, to show you what animal are you in Minecraft. Animals: Wolf, Cat, Horse. I am a wolf, how about you, who are you?

What animal are you? Let me know in the comments, and please like and share. I would appreciate and like that so much. Please play this quiz to show you what animal are you in Minecraft.

Created by: ProLuke9700
  1. What is your favorite food?
  2. What is your favorite hobby?
  3. You're scared of what mob?
  4. Your favorite weapon is?
  5. What is your favorite item in minecraft?
  6. What is your favorite block in minecraft?
  7. What animal do you like?
  8. What is the mob that you hate?
  9. What is the potion that you like the most?
  10. What dimension is your favorite?
  11. What is your favorite gem?
  12. What is your favorite game?
  13. What is your favorite power?
  14. What is your favorite storage block in minecraft?
  15. What is your favorite color?

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Quiz topic: What Minecraft Animal am I?
