What member of book Club are you

So Book Club exclusive Three member s online and which of the three will you be will you be matt emily or chelsea well you will have to tkae this quiz to find out, willyou love for harry potter be truely recognised as such yake the wuiz and find out

Ok so are you a member of book club. this is a silly quiz yes ok so take the quiz and find out just how cool you are so MATT EMILY OR CHELSEA you decide

Created by: Chelsea
  1. Which House would you like to be in at Hogwarts school of Witch craft and Wizardry?
  2. What is your favourite character
  3. Who is your least favourite Character
  4. What is your Favourite Harry potter couple?
  5. What form would your patronous take
  6. Do you like to Drink
  7. Favourite spell
  8. So do you addour harry potter books
  9. Do you have millionaire relatives
  10. so sports are you any good at them
  11. so obessesions with lead singers of rock bands
  12. scene scene scene
  13. Tv
  14. which are these are you more likely to say?
  15. So excited about which member of book club you are?

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Quiz topic: What member of book Club am I