what MAX wright (actor usa) character you are??

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eveyrboy love Max wright (actor, usa) of course, duh. what character that max Wright play though, are you? it is a good question you probably never think about so now you can find out so its a good thing you found this quiz I know you like it

when you take htis qiz you will se quesiton to answe,r, so answer them corectly and you will see foolproof analyze of y who you are (of max wright characters) so it is a a good idea to do this

Created by: Publican of max wright actor usa
(your link here more info)
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. you trap in the jungle , and MAx wright say to dig a hole, what you do
  2. what sport Max wright and youwin the olympics?
  3. mex wright travel through time, for what movie to star in
  4. funnyest max Wright line:::
  5. max wright romantic vacatin, remember what
  6. "president" barack HUSSEIN take awy your rights, every day. he shoul be punished
  7. give max wright christmas gpresent
  8. farvorite baby
  9. how you think MAx wright smell
  10. ok last question guys, is a fun one....what song you sing at Karaaokae,,,,,, IF YOU go with Max Wright!!

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