What LOLcat caption do you have?

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There are many people who make LOLcats, but few people actually have their own caption. Take this quiz to find it what your caption is.

Do YOU have an LOLcat caption??? Do YOU like cats? Do YOU have pet cats? Take this simple and easy quiz to find out what YOUR LOLcat caption is!!!

Created by: Celia of this site
(your link here more info)
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Are you evil or good?
  2. Are you on Basement Cat's side or on Ceiling Cat's side?
  3. Are you happy or grumpy?
  4. Do you swear?
  5. What line would you like to have?
  6. Do you like birthdays?
  7. Are you crazy, or serious?
  8. What color do want to have your fur?
  9. Pie or Cake? (This question doesn't do anything.)
  10. Do you have pet cats?

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Quiz topic: What LOLcat caption do I have?