What Level Cheerleader are you?

This quiz can help you determine what level of a cheerleader you are. Now, this could be inaccurate because I cannot see you through the screen. So if this is inaccurate, I am sorry!

There are five levels of cheerleading. There are Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, Level 4, and Level 5. This Quiz Places you in one of the cheer levels. This quiz doesn't include level 6.

Created by: Luna
  1. How long have you done cheerleading for?
  2. What is the hardest Standing tumbling move you can do?
  3. What is the hardest Stunt you can do?
  4. Can you stunt
  5. What level do you think you are?
  6. What is the hardest Running tumbling Move you can do?
  7. Do you plan on doing cheerleading in College?
  8. How long have you stunned in Cheerleading ( If you are a Base or a Backspot, pick how many years you have Based or have been a back spot)
  9. What is the hardest stretch that you can do?
  10. Last Question, Do you think you are a good cheerleader?

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Quiz topic: What Level Cheerleader am I?
