What Kind of power ranger are you

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Welcome you have been chosen to take this quiz and see what kind of ranger you are Hope you get lucky I mean there's a whole bunch of rangers out there

I'm Brayden Brown I'm the host of this quiz and you are my subject you will go trough 10 questions that'll take you to your destiny so good luck on this quiz

Created by: Brayden Brown
  1. Are you ready for the quiz
  2. How did you become a power ranger
  3. Do you wear armor
  4. Do you have an animal themed suit or a technical themed suit
  5. What's your weapon
  6. What kind of Zord do you have
  7. What were you before you were a ranger
  8. Are you solo or with a team
  9. Do you wear a skirt with your ranger outfit
  10. What time is it

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Quiz topic: What Kind of power ranger am I
