What Kind Of Woman Are You? | Comments

Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz What Kind Of Woman Are You?

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  • "Your Result: Funny 93%

    You are always trying to make others smile. You see the positive in most things. People love to be around you. Sometimes sarcastic and may hurts some feelings. You are very sexy in a cool way."

    What the hell? Why is this so accurate?

  • What Kind Of Woman Are You?
    Your Result: Funny 77%

    You are always trying to make others smile. You see the positive in most things. People love to be around you. Sometimes sarcastic and may hurts some feelings. You are very sexy in a cool way.

    66% Sexy
    65% Innocent
    63% Healthy
    35% Smart
    0% Not Nice

  • What Kind Of Woman Are You?
    Your Result: Funny 77%

    You are always trying to make others smile. You see the positive in most things. People love to be around you. Sometimes sarcastic and may hurts some feelings. You are very sexy in a cool way.

    66% Sexy
    65% Innocent
    63% Healthy
    35% Smart
    0% Not Nice


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