What kind of wild animal are you?

Everyone is half animal.Like I am half dolphin because I swim real well.There are four animals you can be in this quiz so please take it.It's the chance to find out what wild animal you are.

Are you a hawk,a shark,a cheetah,or a wolf?Once you take it you'll know what animal you are and be able to do stuff like them.This will be verry fun for all aniaml lovers!Enjoy!

Created by: unicorn85
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Your friends describe you as...
  2. Are you loyle?
  3. You prefer to be....
  4. Your favorite food is.....
  5. Your talent is.......
  6. Do you like this quiz?
  7. What does your mom do to make you get into shape?
  8. Whats your favorite coler?
  9. You love to
  10. What do you hope to be at the end?

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Quiz topic: What kind of wild animal am I?