What Kind Of Unicorn Am I?

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Hi there! This quiz is called What Kind Of Unicorn Am I. This is a quiz where you find out what kind of unicorn are you. The results are Light Unicorn, Dark Unicorn, Wishing Unicorn, Rainbow Unicorn and Loving Unicorn.

There is also a Roleplay in this quiz. The Roleplay is about Princess Celestia's Birthday Party. That is my title to my Roleplay. I like making Mythical Creature quizzes. The Roleplay is actually you in My Little Pony! Which is fun.

Created by: CelestiaRulez
  1. Firstly, what do you think you are going to get?
  2. What does your friends describe you?
  3. What is your favourite colour and why do you like it?
  4. Which time of day is your favourite?
  5. Which celestial thing is your favourite?
  6. What colour skin do you have?
  7. What colour eyes do you have?
  8. What type of wings do you like?
  9. What colour hair do you have?
  10. Do you have short, medium or long hair?
  11. What is your greatest fear?
  12. Pick a word, which is your favourite word out of these?
  13. Ok, done with the questions, let's move on to roleplaying!(does not effect result)
  14. Ok, imagine you got out of bed, what is the first thing you do?
  15. You got a letter from Princess Celestia. It says "Hello (Y/N), would you like to come to my party, it's my birthday today and bring a present for me too! From Princess Celestia."What will you write back to her?
  16. When you go to the party, what will you do first?
  17. What present will you give to Princess Celestia?
  18. Describe your cake to give to Princess Celestia.
  19. Princess Celestia's birthday party is starting now! What will you do?
  20. Oh, Princess Celestia is turning you into an alicorn and you are getting your cutie mark! What is your cutie mark and are you going to be a hero alicorn or a alicorn villain?
  21. What princess are you of?
  22. It's time to go home now, say bye to Celestia!
  23. What powers do you have?
  24. It's late now and you are sleeping. What dream do you have?
  25. That was the end of the Roleplay, did you like it?
  26. Bye sweet cupcakes:)

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