What kind of super power would you have? | Comments

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  • Physical!

  • So from what I understand my power is to turn into my alter ego @-@ yessss

  • What kind of super power would you have?
    Your Result: You're Untouchable! 85%

    You would be that person who would get some ability that would make it difficult for other people to get rid of you. Something like Invincibility, Immunity to Poison, Invulnerability, Resurrection, or even Immortality. At the time you got your powers, you were likely thinking about how others don't like you or maybe you were oblivious to how annoying you are, or maybe you were even gloating about how nothing but God himself couldn't strike you down.

    82% You're Physical
    81% You're like a Different Person
    76% You want to Change Things
    73% You can See That?
    70% You're not a People Person
    62% You're Mental!
    54% You're Unreal!
    51% You're Controlling
    20% You're Kinky
    Interestin g. Cx

  • I love the quiz,make more,please.

    Electra Red

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